Past Projects
Rotary Club of Williamstown was the first Rotary Club in Victoria to fully understand the cause and effect of spinal injury and take positive steps to address the resulting hardships by establishing ROQUAD.
HMAS Yarra
HMAS Yarra was a sloop of the Royal Australian Navy that served during World War, and was launched in March 1935.
Friends R4
With the advice and guidance of the Leukaemia Foundation, we enlisted the support of the Australian Rotary Health Research Foundation (ARHRF) in funding a 3 year, $180,000 Research Project for Acute Myaloid Leukaemia at Peter Mac.
Have a Heart, Give a Part
Have A Heart, Give A Part is Rotary Club of Williamstown's Australia-wide project to combat the low rate of organ donation in Australia.
Conoco Phillips Science Sponsorship

Rotary club of Williamstown sponsored 3 year 10 students to the Conoco Phillips Science fair at RMIT during January 2014.