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This program is designed to raise funds to purchase 10 portable defibrillation units for children with specific needs and whose best chance of survival following a cardiac arrest is prompt access to a defibrillator. The program is operated in conjunction with the Cardiomyopathy & Long QT unit of the Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, Australia.

As a pilot program in the Hobson's Bay area we will place a defibrillator unit in each of 5 primary schools and have the staff trained on the units by the St John Ambulance as funds become available. Also we aim to place 1 unit  into 5 secondary schools in the City of Wyndham area and have staff trained in their use.

The cost of these units plus training is $4,200 each.

These programs have been approved and endorsed by the Minister and Education Department and are now being implemented in the schools.

For more information visit the Heartstart website

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